Zion Curtain Sisters
Founded: 01/25/2014, Salt Lake City, UT
Granted Mission Status: 07/17/2012
Exequatur: 01/25/2014
Marcee DeSaude
Other Mothers:Loosy Lust Bea Lady,
Novi: 04/12/2012
FP: 07/16/2012
Tillie Swallows
Other Mothers:Prudence Pride of Perfection,Raegeena Wit Envy,
Novi: 04/12/2012
FP: 07/16/2012
Merry Heretik
Other Mothers:Glori-Areola Roll You Over Gluttony,
Novi: 04/12/2012
FP: 07/16/2012
Iva Handfull A Nutts
Other Mothers:Nina Novena O Kink Us In Kind,
Novi: 04/12/2012
FP: 07/16/2012
Thor O'Zeen
Other Mothers:Sioux St Semen Sloth,
Novi: 04/12/2012
FP: 07/16/2012
Sabb: __/__/____
Mya Cardinal Infraction
Novi: 04/12/2012
Reti: 10/31/2012
Flora La Hope
Asp: 01/23/2013
Post: 01/30/2013
AKA: Postulant Temperance
Novi: 11/10/2013
FP: 01/20/2014
Loki A Bear Asgard
Asp: 08/19/2012
Post: 12/16/2012
AKA: Postulant Defiant
Novi: 05/26/2013
FP: 01/20/2014
Misha Nairy
Asp: 06/23/2012
Post: 07/22/2012
AKA: Postulant Charity
Novi: 11/14/2012
Reti: 06/01/2013
I'thena Vision
Asp: 06/22/2012
Post: 07/22/2012
Big Sis: Prudence Pride of Perfection
AKA: Postulant Reason
Novi: 11/14/2012
FP: 05/26/2013
Asp: 09/02/2012
Post: 01/27/2013
Reti: 04/22/2013
Odin Money
Asp: 08/19/2012
Post: 06/06/2013
AKA: Postulant Zeal
Novi: 09/04/2013
FP: 01/20/2014
Asp: 06/23/2012
Post: 07/22/2012
Reti: 08/05/2012